Blog 18 December 31, 2011
The End to the Beginning
It is New Years Eve and like most people I cannot wait for this year to end! The symbolism behind the last day of the year, for most is putting the bad or the good behind them and of course starting of a new. I am usually one of those people you know (type A) personality that make a list and have a plan! for what they want to achieve for the upcoming year. We sit down make resolutions for the upcoming year and for some there resolution is no more resolutions. I never understood that because that in its self is almost impossible. The reason I say it is impossible is that you are not the only one on the planet your life is intertwined with others and they manage to draw you into goal setting be it your boss, friends or partner so when people say that they are not making resolutions that in itself is a resolution.
As I look over the past year I can honestly say I cannot wait for midnight to come. It was very hard year the loss of Eric, Jagger The loss of my best friend’s father, and our good friend who passed away not too long ago and of course not having a guide dog made this year very tough it created a lot of issues for me. I have to tell you that this year was not all bad and I am a type of person that does not like to dwell on things but as the year comes to close I want to share the highlights of this year.
The first thing was the healing of my foot injury that lasted a year and half it finally healed. The second item was that we spent a week reconnecting with an old friend of my wife’s whom became a very close friend of mine we had a wonderful time together and she gave us an incredible gift of our wedding invitations. We got to enjoy one of our best friend’s weddings over the summer. We came to realize how lucky we were to have great family and friends. The last and I think the most important was getting married to my childhood sweetheart and my best friend which for me was the strong close to the year. It was a time that brought our family’s closer together. We had our best friends as the best man, and matron. We had our best friend marry us. We had all our kids apart of the service and wedding party. We took time to honour the people we lost and enjoyed the people that were there. We got to see as we call them our new adopted grandchildren enjoy the wedding with. We got to watch many miracles happen before during and at the end of the evening.
This leads me to my New Year’s resolution which is very simple to live life as it was meant to be. We are going to have more fun in our lives. We will do more things together as a couple and as a family. I am going to train more because it makes me feel good. I am going to go on more walks with my wife in the woods and by the river. I am going to go to university to study not with the hopes of starting a new career right away but for the enjoyment of learning about Theology, not just for the spiritual part but for the rich history it has. I am going to meet more people and get to know them. I will laugh more and tell more jokes. Take more journeys. I have some new projects I am working on that are fun and everyone will enjoy. Quite simply I am going to enjoy life more.
Happy New-Year 2012.