Blog 27 June 2, 2012
This past week has been a very emotional and moving time. It has been a time of remembrance and grieving of our loss this time last year.
On May 26, 2011 we lost our great nephew Eric in that tragic incident in that Ottawa school. That took him in a auto shop incident.
My wife and I and of course Lucky spent the weekend at the memorial service finally having our opportunity to say goodbye.
Although my wife and I were at the hospital the night Eric past away, we never got the chance to say good bye at his funeral.
At the same time we were at the hospital that night with Eric, my guide dog Jagger was on his last legs.
He was pronounced two months earlier with a very aggressive blood cancer. His last job was guiding me to the hospital to sit with my sister and niece and her family.
We got Jagger in the car that night and we knew it would not be long for him; he did not have the strength to carry on.
On May 31, 2011 he stayed in the garden and I sat with him we made him as comfortable on June 1, 2011 my best friend and I brought him to the vet we lied on the floor with him we talked to him told him how good he was and at 5:30pm he passed away.
It took months to even think about applying for a new guide dog. On the way to memorial service for my nephew, I was thinking how ironic it was that the same time last year I was doing this same trip but now I have Lucky and last year it was with Jagger. The funny thing is that people would say oh you had to move on. I never felt comfortable about moving on for me that meant it’s over now and something new took over or I could start to forget about him. I new in my heart that I could never forget him nor Eric because they are so intertwined. This last year when I spoke at the schools, spoke of Jagger and his last working job he did bringing me to see Eric and I spoke of Eric and how popular he was in school and how much he disliked bullying. These are two very messages for people to know. So how can you move on from that? At the memorial my great niece said something that was very profound she said “ I can never move on because Eric will be a part of me every day. I think about him all the time”. She also said “I can now start to move forward in my life but I will never forget him because we were friends and brother and sister”. So I guess you could say I have not move on from Jagger but I am moving forward.
Jagger and I started a special Ministry at the hospitals when we were there. Jagger would get the attention of the patients opening the door so I could speak with them. Not about their spirituality but listens to their concerns’ and take that opportunity to hear their fears. More often than not we end up praying together. Last Tuesday Lucky fell right into that roll of opening the door with a patient and his wife which allowed me to speak with this couple and help them to gain a better understanding and give them some hope and share some faith to help them move forward. This action for some strange reason made me think of Jagger maybe it was the way Lucky acted like a big loveable goof y Just like Jagger was. Who loves to leave people fealing better than when he met them.
Reading this---it's just so hard, knowing everything you went through last year. It's a beautiful tribute to those who passed,-and have such a special place in your heart. I'm so very thankful that Lucky has come into your life,-to fill another special part of your heart. It's a miracle -that our hearts can hold so much love.